You may be asking what do honesty and integrity have to do with grappling, or
any other activity for that matter?
Well at the heart of it they are two of the most important principles of
success in life and in athletics. In life when you purchase a product you expect
to pay the required price. You expect that you must pay for an item before you
can take it out of the store. Your level of integrity dictates whether you will
pay for the item, or if you will just walk off and steal it.
When you ask an honest question you expect an honest answer. When you drive
down the road you expect that the other drivers will have the integrity to obey
the traffic laws. You expect that when you compete the other competitors will
follow the rules for safety and scoring that have been established and that you
agree to when you sign the entry waiver.
Honesty and Integrity are everywhere. Without these values there would be no
chance for much of anything in society.
How does this more directly apply to you as an athlete?
You must be honest with yourself and what your true goals are and
why you are pursuing them. You may be holding yourself back by hiding behind
situations and circumstances. You may be telling yourself little lies that you
aren’t able to do something because of family or because of work. You may be
making excuses to avoid putting in an honest effort physically. You may be
making excuses to avoid facing the reality of the pressures and stresses that
competition places on you. You may be hiding behind lack of coaching or
The honest athlete will learn to discern the truth from the errors, the
misconceptions and the lies both big and small that get made to excuse ourselves
from loss and disappointment. The honest athlete stares the reality of potential
loss and the opportunity of winning in the face and knows exactly which side
they are moving toward.
Integrity s when you come to grips with the need to be
completely honest with yourself and your level of commitment, desire and effort.
The athlete with integrity holds their self to a higher standard, one that
recognizes an excuse but makes the effort anyway. The athlete with integrity
gives forth their best effort and then builds upon it. The athlete with
integrity takes responsibility for their actions both on and off the mat.
Honesty leads to better workouts and better insights into flaws and strengths
in technique and strategy. It is the beginning of development; it is the
beginning of understanding. Integrity is the inner strength to hold oneself to
their commitment to improve. Developing these two virtues in your life and in
your grappling game will lead you to greater and greater success.