![]() Team Machado Utah flashing their new bling. Team Machado Utah had a very successful tournament at the NAGA Utah held March 3, 2012. The UCTC athletes lead by instructor Dave Johnson brought home a hoard of new awards along with some great memories. Below are the team and individual results. Congratulations go to Dave and the UCTC Team Machado Utah athletes! Team Results Total Medals:18 Total Gold: 8 Total Silver:7 Total Bronze:3 Individual Results 2 Golds - Tommy Wagner Gold Medal GI (White) / Gold NO Gi Beginner 1 Gold - Vyginitas "Vig" Gold Medal GI (White) 2 Gold - Joe Martinez Gold GI (Blue) / Gold NO GI - Intermediate 1 Gold 1 Silver - Nick Lokeni (Stidham) Gold No GI / Silver GI (white) 1 Gold 1 Bronze - Eric Gold No Gi Expert / Bronze Gi 1 Gold - Mike Stidham No GI Expert 2 Silver - Carter No Gi Beginner / GI (white) 1 Silver - AJ Stidham GI (white) 1 Silver - Loran Brumley No GI Expert 1 Silver - JT (Jeremiah) GI (Blue) 1 Silver - Dominico No Gi Intermediate 1 Bronze - Angel Gi (purple) 1 Bronze - Ma'fu Fosita No Gi expert (super heavy) ![]() Study Greatness If you would be great study greatness. Too many people study the loser and why they lost. They study how not to lose. They try to figure out how they can avoid making the same mistakes as the loser. Historians tell us the falsehood of “those who do not study history are bound to repeat it.” I have yet to see anyone who has studied history not repeat it. Human nature is a repeat phenomenon. Studying the history of losing will teach you that there have been some major failures in the past. This is fine if you want to continue to lose. You can’t study losing and expect to win. Your mind cannot dwell on the reverse of a thing. You cannot dwell on losing and expect to win. If you want to have more success in your endeavors study those who are already successful. Study how they won. Figure out how you can repeat similar successes as to what they have created. Borrow their ingenuity and example. Develop the next step from where they left off. If you think that studying history will help you for heaven’s sake study the winning team! Study the dominant figures and systems of the past. Understand what they did and why they did it. Spending too much time on trying to understand someone else’s mistakes is the surest way to avoid fixing your own. I would rather fix the holes in my own game first. Jesus said ‘first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote of thy brother’s eye.’ As you study successful strategies you will start to see the world differently. You will start to do things differently. You will find greater effectiveness and efficiency. You will find more and better solutions to problems both big and small. Your mind will expand and you will ask better questions. When you start asking better questions you will start getting better solutions. Look for the way things are being approached. Look for the setups. Look for transitions. Look for the finishes. Look for subtle things like timing and positioning. Learn from the successes of the past and you will have a successful future. ![]() Support Team Ruiz Purchase official Justin Ruiz merchandise and Greco Roman Wrestling technique DVD here! Your purchase goes towards helping Justin Ruiz (my brother) in going after his goal of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, England. If you’ve always wondered how you can actually learn Greco Roman wrestling then Justin’s DVD is a great place to get started. Justin is a 7 x National Champion and 2005 World Bronze Medalist. He gives great insight and real world experience to his instruction. Not only will it help the wrestlers out there but it will help those of you training for MMA. Greco Roman wrestling has shown itself a very dominant factor for some of the best at the highest levels, namely Dan Henderson, Randy Couture, Matt Lindland and Chael Sonnen. I highly recommend picking up one Justin Ruiz’s DVDs asap! http://justinruiz.com/sponsor-justin Sports Drink?
If you haven’t noticed there are a lot of mainstream products in the market today marketed directly at “athletes”. I remember a few years ago, ok over a decade ago, when Gatorade and Powerade were actually still useful as a sports drink and a way to increase your hydration during and after exercise. I guess if you’re into high fructose corn syrup and a lot of other junk in your ‘sports drink’ they could still qualify. I see more and more of them that are zero calorie or diet. Most of today’s major brand ‘sports drinks’ are nothing more than soft drinks posing as something sporty. As an athlete I need something that is going to provide more than just a crappy sweetener and a ‘mega-brand’ label on the bottle. Do I drink Gatorade and Powerade? Sure when I want a non-carbonated soft drink that I consider about on the same level as drinking a soda. Do I drink it during or after competition? No. It just doesn’t deliver in regards to being a ‘sports drink’ for electrolyte replacement or rehydration. So what do I drink? I drink Advocare Rehydrate. I drink Advocare Rehydrate because it genuinely does make a difference in my performance. It is the only electrolyte replacement drink that I have actually felt a physical difference from when I use it. I want you to be a more successful athlete. It is why I share so much of my technical knowledge for free on YouTube. If you’re not looking for the best products and using them then you’re wasting time and money. I don’t have enough time or money to waste on junk that is advertised on the bodybuildingdotcoms of the world. I don’t have time to fail a drug test because the company that makes products doesn’t care about its end consumers. I don’t have the patience to keep on sifting through all the garbage out there and I doubt that you do either. Advocare tests all of their products and they are safe to take if you’re worried about being drug tested. Advocare products are allowed by the NCAA and other sports organizing bodies, they have been used safely and successfully in World and Olympic competition which are routinely tested by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). Rehydrate uses a low glycemic index sugar, has a balanced 1:1 ratio of sodium and potassium to replace electrolytes, contains essential minerals, antioxidants and contains the amino acids L-Glutamine and L-Arginine. Gatorade gives you a crappy high fructose corn syrup based mix of sugar, a crazy 4:1 ratio of sodium and potassium, no minerals, no antioxidants and no amino acids. The only redeeming qualities that I see for drinking Gatorade are that it is sweet and cheap. Rehydrate is not a cheap product. It delivers results. If I have to choose between buying a cheap soft drink versus a quality product that will improve my performance I’m going to pick quality every time. My wife did me a huge favor when she sent me off to the 2011 FILA Grappling World Champinoships. She packed plenty of Advocare’s Rehydrate, Post Workout Recovery and Meal Replacement Bars in my bag. All I have to say is I’m glad she did. ![]() Grappling vs Chess...which is tougher? Studying Chess to Improve Your Grappling? Though at first glance chess and grappling may not appear all that similar they are both indeed a game of strategy and creativity. I found some very insightful thoughts on chess that I was able to relate to my grappling game by watching a chess video on YouTube. I have no idea who the video’s creator is but he left me thinking about several things that I can implement into my grappling game. Here are the thoughts I took from it: • Always look for the space left behind. • In strange situations both players tend to miss things because they are playing types of positions that they both unfamiliar with. • You have to flow with the moment. Be open to every possibility. Don’t be flustered with the unknown. Move with the struggle. Enjoy the chaos. Trust yourself. You can figure everything out. How can these be applied more specifically to grappling? Controlling Space In grappling there is always a certain amount of space necessary for every technique to be performed. This space always allows for new opportunities to attack or defend. The better you are at controlling the space the better your chances are of successfully attacking and defending. The best attackers and defenders know exactly how to create openings for attack and how to simultaneously shut down space to nullify attacks. Where are the spaces that you are leaving behind? Where does your opponent have an opportunity? Where is your opponent leaving you an opening? Is there an easier submission available? Start looking for that “space left behind” and you will see new possibilities. Recognize Positions One of my core philosophies is: The faster you can recognize positions the faster you can turn it into an opportunity to attack or defend. So much of what we do absolutely depends on recognition of body positioning, yet how often do you actually train that? How often has anyone even talked about that? In my experience it has been minimal. Most coaches often overlook this all important philosophy. If you look at the best athletes they are masters of understanding where they are at all times and the accompanying pitfalls and opportunities. This is why you will see some athletes naturally gravitate toward a control game or wide open game. There are few that can or prefer to do both. This is due in large part because recognition is different for everyone. Some do it by feel, some do it by sight, some do it by mental calculation. No matter how you do it recognition has to become a large focal point of your game. Flow You can only flow in grappling once you have the ability to control space and recognize positions and opportunities. Without those first two skills trying to flow will often be like riding down the river on the way to a waterfall. There are so many great grapplers out there who just like the chess master can predict 3,4 and 5 moves ahead because they understand openings and recognize positions so well. There is always a little ‘key’ that they find and unlock your whole game. You can learn to do the same thing. All it takes is time, patience, practice and a little creativity. Trust Yourself Every time I try to figure out a black belt’s guard game I have to ask myself; “Where are my arms? Where is my base? Keep the pressure here. Look for the opening at this point.” Etc. I have to trust that my abilities to execute are as good or better than his in the areas in which I plan to attempt my techniques. It is very much a situation of knowing where you want to go and looking for the best path to get there because there is no ‘right’ or ‘perfect’ path. It comes down to trusting in your physical and mental abilities as an athlete. You have to believe that you can solve the problem and unlock the riddle that your opponent presents. For anyone interested in watching the actual original chess video and seeing what you can glean for yourself here is the link. ChessMaster GrandMaster Edition: Kogan A vs Waitzkin J http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygrb_yp-Hdc Until next time good luck and good training! ![]() Brandon Ruiz locks up a Kimura vs Mikael Knutsson Quick Tip -Takedown to Submission March 7,2012 Here is a little tidbit that I thought might be helpful to you. Capitalizing on Takedowns from both offense and defense. Whenever there is a takedown there is a possibility for submission both for the attacker (the one doing the takedown) and the defender (the one defending the takedown). The takedown more than any other position lends itself to big openings. The fact that both fighters go from their feet to hip, side or back leaves a lot of wiggle room. Look for the openings available for your submissions the next time someone takes you down. Look for openings the next time you take someone down. My short list: (From my takedowns) • Achilles Lock (Standing and Downed) • Step Over to Boston Crab • Step Around Arm Bar My short list: (From being taken down) • Triangle Choke • Arm Bar • Straight Arm Bar (you push yourself off to the side and arm lock with his thumb pointed down) • Kimura Look for these opportunities more often and you’ll start finding more submissions! Official Ruiz Combat Grappling Gear is now available at www.TruSoldier.com!
Get a sweet black t-shirt with the Ruiz Combat Grappling logo by following this link! More Gear coming soon! February 24, 2012 Koffi "The Lion King" Adzitso took on UFC Veteran Josh Burkman in a three round battle that Burkman won by unanimous decision. Koffi put on a great fight and had moments of greatness in his first fight since recovering from an injury he sustained in February of 2011.
Koffi has been making steady progress this past year. In September he won the expert division at 180 lbs. at the NAGA West Coast Championships in Las Vegas, Nevada. I expect more good things coming from Koffi in the future. You can check out more great fight picks on the link below this pick. |
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October 2022