soreness then try this approx. 30 minutes after your workout. Make sure you
drink plenty of water (and Rehydrate) after your workout.
6-8 prunes. Prunes are one of the highest rating foods on the ORAC scale
(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).
1/4 to 1/2 cup Dried Cranberries mixed with 1/4 to 1/2 cup unsalted almonds
Part of your soreness results from the lactic acid and other waste products
your muscles create during exercise. The prunes seem to help with relieving the
effects of these waste products.
The other part comes from dehydration. It is possible to have drunk a lot of
water and still be dehydrated.
I used to experience a groggy and tired feeling the morning after intense Gi
Jiu Jitsu workouts. I was losing a minimum of 6 pounds of fluid per workout due
to the extra heat of being in the gi. This was on a typical workout the fluid
loss was even more for more intense training sessions. Not to mention my body
was performing under very high temperatures for an extended period. I realized
that I needed to make sure that I was rehydrating properly and adequately.
After I made the adjustment I was able to awake rested and refreshed because
I was waking up in a more hydrated state. Remember that if you go to bed a
little dehydrated you will wake up even more so because you will be going
another 8 hours +/- without liquids.
Give this combo a try!