Some of the better books I've read come from coaches and experts in the field of human performance. I've studied the great coaches like Vince Lombardi, Mike Shanahan and Bill Belichick. I've read every BJJ and Wrestling book that I can get my hands on. I've read and listened to countless books on positive attitude and success, most of which end up being some way to make more money faster. Not too useful for athletics I'm afraid.
Sometimes I've come across 'experts' in the field going on and on and giving extremely long lists of things that a would be champion should be doing or character traits that they should be developing. Lists of must-do's and should-do's in-order-to's are in my opinion completely worthless and utter garbage.
There is no magic formula or checklist that an athlete can check off on their way to becoming a champion. It just doesn't work that way and if you think it does you're in for a rude and painful awakening. Not only are lists of that nature dangerous to an athlete's psyche they are also misleading and overwhelming. They create unrealistic and unattainable standards and quotas that only further an athlete's anxiety and self doubt.
The only REAL and tried and true formula for success is this:
Execution of strategy and technique under adverse and real situations will bring success.
That is it! That's all! Nothing more and nothing less! You don't have to be an amazing moral person to do that. You don't have to be a superstar with endless talent. You don't have to know a thousand and one techniques. You don't have to take vitamins, wear some piece of special clothing, like your coach, like your team or be an amazing and popular person.
You just have to execute during the competition! Everything else you do as an athlete is either a help or a hindrance to that execution. Your lifestyle and training habits will all have an affect on your level of execution but please understand that I have seen and witnessed guys who were 'not supposed to win' end up winning and guys that did all the 'right things' end up losing. I've also seen the guys who were supposed to win follow through and win. What they all had in common was an appropriate game plan matched with appropriate execution. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The next time you start feeling overwhelmed by all there is to do and develop remind yourself of this simple truth. It may help you find the success that you've been working for that much easier.